Uplifting Syrian Women

Taghreed Qutrib

A Success Story: Taghreed Qutrib

“Passion is the measurement of success.” Taghreed Qutrib and the Passion for Writing.

In a time where blogging on social media platforms has become a shortcut and a wide space for both the good and bad. Writer and engineer Taghreed Qutrib tells us about her extensive experience as a creative woman. Each of her books cost her a lot of time, experience, and maturity.

Who is Taghreed Qutrib? How do you introduce yourself to the Uplifting Syrian Women community?

Taghreed Qutrib is a civil engineer and an activist in the cultural field. I love literature and I write about my passions, dreams, and wishes.

How did you take your first steps in writing? Tell us about your first book.

My first book, Alive in Love, a collection of stories published in 2014, was the result of years of working. In it, I chose stories that I’ve written at different times over about twenty years.

What are the difficulties that you’ve encountered and how did you overcome them?

One who has a passion for writing does not see difficulties in the world of literature. However, there are periods that I call (periods of intellectual hibernation) when I feel that I am repeating myself in my writing, which makes me abandon writing for a while. In it, I resort to reading more to enrich my language and thought, and after that, I return to writing in a literary and intellectual manner, which I can say is richer and more mature than before.

What is your advice for anyone searching for themselves and their tools in literature?

In the beginning, there is no advice other than reading, and for the amateur to know the appropriate type of literature for his intellectual capacities. For example, many try to write poetry but are very far from writing in this difficult art form. That depends primarily on rhythm and measure, so they (arrange) or line up some phrases and then append them with two letters that are repeated in each phrase, then claim that it’s poetry and call those letters a rhyme. 

In my opinion, those are intruders who distort the literary scene, and they can write thoughts, which is the right start, free from the laws of poetry.

From your point of view, what is the difference between a successful person and an ordinary one?

A successful person has passion and loves what he does. Love is the basis of any work, it is its spirit and continuity. Love what you do until you do what you love.

What are your next dreams and goals?

In the circumstances my country’s going through, the space for dreams has diminished and is now confined to one, shared by all Syrians, that is to overcome this crisis we are all going through. So, I can say that my first dream is to get over writing about worries and oppression. Perhaps at this age, we have to go beyond the phase of dreams, as dreams tend to make us lazy. Perhaps, we have to make dreams into short-term goals and strive to achieve them without any delay. Currently, I aspire to have my own line of writing and to publish my fourth book in the Arab region.

From the Uplifting Syrian Women initiative

We would like to thank Taghreed for enriching us with her story, and we are proud of her successful and inspiring career rich in literary achievements Alive in Love, Ishtar’s Confessions, Burgul Naam, and we hope that her fourth book sees the light soon. We recommend that everyone should take a look at those wonderful stories which touch our hearts. And we agree with Taghreed, as working with passion and love gives fantastic results that everyone feels and praises, no matter the field.

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