Uplifting Syrian Women

Our goals by 2030

As an initiative, we aim to achieve a number of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela This quote resembles everything we believe in. We can only reach our goal in achieving true change through education. Therefore, our initiative offers 4 monthly educational courses, including at least 5 girls each. These courses are mainly centred on various specialties that reinforces the existing academic education of those girls, and for those wishing to learn from the ground up, there are always new courses for beginners in different specialties.


Gender equality means that men and women should have equal opportunities, rights and responsibilities regarding all areas of life. Based upon the fact that women of our society are subjected to many stereotypes in terms of their options in life, we, as an initiative, work towards equality by raising awareness through the content of our posts and discussions, along with the courses and workshops we offer which would get women to be open more to possibilities, and increase their chance of achieving intellectual and financial autonomy thereby increasing the likelihoods of equality.


We are well aware that as a society, we are still recovering from bitter years of war, and that the chances of finding decent work are small. We work through the initiative to provide women with workshops and educational courses that would eventually lead them to finding job opportunities guaranteeing dignified life, by spotting a light on online jobs; whether it is freelancing or not, which will gradually increase economic growth.


We, Syrian people, have learned the value of peace in the worst way possible; through war. And now that we know its significance, and in order to sustain and maintain peace, our initiative works on publishing purposeful content, highlighting the importance of fraternization, coexistence and joining hands to rise again with our debilitated society. Furthermore, the initiative itself is an epitome of peace that could be achieved more broadly across Syria. If we can do it, everyone else can.


Believing that the only way to a sustainable success is through supporting and complementing one another, we, as an initiative, always welcome partnerships with other parties that share the same goals, whether we had similar approaches or not, in order to achieve better impact on a wider spectrum; be they non-governmental organizations, companies or individuals.

Our Values


Transparency in service provision


Probity of admissions


Trust among the board of directors, volunteers and beneficiaries


Commitment to deliver